Farmers of Tanzania

Farmers of Tanzania

Farmers in Tanzania play a crucial role in the country’s economy, as agriculture is a significant sector that employs a large portion of the population and contributes significantly to the country’s GDP. The majority of Tanzanians rely on agriculture for their livelihoods, and farming practices vary across regions based on climate, soil conditions, and available resources.

Efforts to modernize agriculture, promote sustainable practices, and address challenges faced by farmers are ongoing. However, it’s essential to note that the situation may evolve, and it’s advisable to check more recent sources for the latest information on farmers in Tanzania.


General Information

Subsistence Farming

A significant number of farmers in Tanzania are engaged in subsistence farming. They grow crops and raise livestock primarily to meet the needs of their own households, with surplus production occasionally sold in local markets.

Cash Crops

Tanzania is known for the cultivation of various cash crops, including coffee, tea, tobacco, cashew nuts, and sisal. These crops contribute to both domestic consumption and export revenue.

Smallholder Farmers

The majority of farmers in Tanzania are smallholders, operating on relatively small plots of land. Smallholder agriculture is the backbone of the country’s agricultural sector.


Farmers in Tanzania face various challenges, including access to credit, modern farming inputs, and markets. Limited access to technology and irrigation infrastructure can also impact agricultural productivity. 

Cooperative Farming

Cooperative farming is common in Tanzania, where farmers join together to collectively address challenges such as bulk purchasing of inputs, processing, and marketing of their produce.

Livestock Farming

In addition to crop farming, livestock farming is an integral part of agriculture in Tanzania. Livestock, including cattle, goats, sheep, and poultry, contribute to both food security and income for rural households.

Climate Variability

Climate variability, including irregular rainfall patterns, can pose a significant challenge to farmers, particularly those dependent on rainfed agriculture. Droughts and floods can impact crop yields and livelihoods.

Market Access

Improving market access for farmers is a key focus, as it ensures that farmers receive fair prices for their produce. Infrastructure development, including roads and transportation facilities, is crucial in this regard.

Government Initiatives

The Tanzanian government has implemented various initiatives to support farmers, including subsidies for fertilizers and improved seeds, as well as efforts to enhance access to credit. Agricultural extension services are also provided to help farmers adopt modern and sustainable farming practices.